Une série de webinaires présente la plateforme d'apprentissage en ligne de l'OMS sur la lutte contre la tuberculose

The SEARN-TB secretariat organized an interactive webinar showcasing the World Health Organization’s (WHO) End TB eLearning Platform. The cutting-edge platform offers a range of self-paced, free-of-charge eLearning materials developed by WHO, tailored to meet the diverse needs of different target audiences.

The End TB Channel features courses aimed at enhancing strategic and operational knowledge. It also provides training on key skills crucial for implementing WHO’s End TB Strategy while upholding ethical principles and human rights protection. Through the interactive platform, the latest WHO TB guidelines on TB diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and care can be accessed.

Dr. Karina Halle from WHO/HQ Global TB Program led a live demonstration during the webinar, offering attendees a hands-on overview of the platform’s learning experience. A dedicated question-and-answer session was also held to address participants’ queries.

The SEARN-TB secretariat shared updates on network activities during the webinar, including progress on implementation research projects funded by TDR in the region. The terms of reference for the network were presented and discussed, along with highlights of the 2024 World Tuberculosis Day celebrations across the region.The webinar was conducted on April 9, 2024.

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