The SEARN-TB secretariat was honored to participate in the 8th annual coordinators meeting of the Western and Central African Regional Network for TB Control (WARN/CARN-TB). The meeting which was held in Cotonou, Benin, from December 13-16, 2023 brought together National TB program coordinators from the region, delegates from the Global TB program at WHO and WHO AFRO, representatives from the Global Fund, and colleagues from Draft-TB, SRL, and TB-lab projects. Annual reports of the WARN/CARN-TB network and the associated TB-LAB project were presented during the four-day event.
Dr. Alemseged Abdissa, Co-chair of SEARN-TB and Deputy Director-General of the Armauer Hansen Research Institute presented the SEARN-TB network activities and plans. He commended the WARN/CARN-TB secretariat for their continuous support provided in the establishment and operations of the SEARN-TB network. He stressed on the potential for enhanced collaboration in research, program implementation, and advocacy between the two regional networks. Dr. Alemseged also proposed a joint meeting between the two regional networks to further strengthen partnerships.
Discussions at the meeting centered on enhancing collaboration between the two networks and addressing common challenges. The event provided a platform for the SEARN-TB secretariat to forge connections with potential partners and explore avenues for strengthening cooperation.