The 2024 WHO Global Tuberculosis Report offers a thorough and current evaluation of the TB epidemic, as well as the progress in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment at global, regional, and national levels. This assessment is framed within global TB commitments, strategies, and targets. As with previous editions, the 2024 report primarily utilizes data collected annually…
29 October 2024 – The World Health Organization (WHO) published a new report on tuberculosis revealing that approximately 8.2 million people were newly diagnosed with TB in 2023 – the highest number recorded since WHO began global TB monitoring in 1995. This represents a notable increase from 7.5 million reported in 2022 placing TB again…
The Southern and East African Regional Network for TB Control (SEARN-TB) hosted a webinar series on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of childhood Tuberculosis (TB). The event, organized by SEARN-TB Secretariat via zoom brought together experts and TB Program practitioners from WHO, TDR and Zambia National TB program. The first session featured presentations by Dr.…
The golden Jubilee of the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) was colorfully celebrated in Ethiopia. Organized by Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) the event was attended by members of the TDR Global Africa and Ethiopia Node, fellows, grantees and other distinguished guests. Prof Afework Kassu, Director General of AHRI, on…
Le secrétariat du SEARN-TB a eu l'honneur de participer à la 8e réunion annuelle des coordinateurs du Réseau régional d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre pour la lutte contre la tuberculose (WARN/CARN-TB). La réunion, qui s'est tenue à Cotonou, au Bénin, du 13 au 16 décembre 2023, a rassemblé les coordinateurs des programmes nationaux de lutte contre la tuberculose de la région, les délégués du programme mondial de lutte contre la tuberculose de l'OMS et...
Le secrétariat du SEARN-TB a organisé un webinaire interactif présentant la plateforme d'apprentissage en ligne End TB de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS). Cette plateforme de pointe offre une gamme de matériel d'apprentissage en ligne gratuit et à son propre rythme, développé par l'OMS et adapté pour répondre aux divers besoins des différents publics cibles. La chaîne de la lutte contre la tuberculose propose des cours visant à améliorer les connaissances stratégiques et opérationnelles. Elle...